It can be challenging for solicitors to make contact with the correct specialists, and there can be significant delays in the instruction and receipt of reports. Think Medicolegal provides a single point of contact via our friendly and responsive staff team. They will identify suitably skilled and experienced Experts to provide the required report. At any time, a Medical Expert is available for discussion about individual requirements.

We will note any specific technical or practical requirements within the instructions, and feedback to the Solicitor the choices of specialists, locations, timeframes and costs to provide the completed report. It should be noted, that the Specialists determine their individual fees, but all terms and conditions will be agreed prior to preparation of reports.

Referrals are then made securely online, either to individual experts or for the first available appointment within a particular Speciality.
Using our bespoke secure case management system, you will be able to access live information for the case, including details of client appointments and the report when finalised.

The security and confidentiality of client information is of the utmost importance to the Company. Our current security conforms to the latest internet standards, and includes:

  • Strong password enforcement
  • Personal Identification Numbers (PIN)
  • Secure Sockets Layer for data encryption (SSL)
  • Database encryption of sensitive information
  • We encourage the uploading of medical notes and files, to reduce costs and improve confidentiality. Think Medicolegal Limited is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

All our Experts have:

  • General Medical Council (GMC) registration
  • Specialist Register membership
  • Professional indemnity insurance
  • Medicolegal Training